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This documents the special terminal program commands in Galactic Empire 3.0. These commands are designed to assist in the rendering of information on a terminal program display by cutting out the textual portion of the information and conveying only the data in an easy to parse format.

The commands available are...

DATA pppppp SCAN


Reports information on all the other ships that this ship can "see". It is the same information as in the SCAN RANGE 9 command with SCANFULL and SCANNAMES set on.

The pppppp is the password for the terminal program. This insures that only terminal programs use these commands, and not the everyday user. It is set to "qazwsx" and will probably stay that way.

The format for the information is...

" %c %d %d %d %d %s %d %d %u.%u %d/%s\r"   (for those "C" programmers)


Shp Xsect Ysect Xcoord Ycoord Distance Bearing Heading Speed Class

* = this ship

The next command available is...

data pppppp report

This command tells you everything you need to know about this ship. The first three characters are a data class indicator, followed by a colon. UD = User Data, SD = Ship Data.

The entire response is formatted as follows;





SD3:phasr,phasrtype,kills,lastfired,shieldtype,shieldstat,shield,cloak,tactical helm,train,where*




SD7:decout,jammer,kills,freq[0],freq[1],freq[2],hostile,cantexit,repair hypha,firecntl,destruct,status*

Some additional notes....

damage is the amount of damage in % that this ship has >99 = dead

Phasr is the strength of the phaser.

Lastfired is a pointer to the ship who last fired on this ship... not much use to you as you havn't got access to the table.

shieldstat is the current shield status as follows;

1 = up

2 = down

3 = damaged

shield is the current shield charge. It is figured as follows;

% charged = (shield/100)/(40 + (shieldtype * 10))

if the shields are damaged the shield # will be negative. The more negative the number the worse the damage.

cloak is used as follows;

cloak = 0  indicates not-cloaked

cloak > 0  indicates cloaked

cloak < 0  indicates damaged cloak

tactical is used as follows;

tactical = 0  indicates the tactical display is fine

tactical < 0  indicates the tactical display is damaged (no scans permitted)

helm is used as follows;

helm = 0  indicates the helm is fine

helm < 0  indicates the helm is damaged (no IMP or WAR or ROT permitted)

train is not used currently

where is used as follows;

where = 0   ship is in impulse drive

where = 1   ship is in warp drive

where > 10  ship is in orbit around planet # (where - 10)

where = -1  ship gone (do not use to determine if this ship is killed)

T0 - T2 indicate if torpedoes are locked on to this ship.

If distance > 0 an incomming torpedo is locked on.

M0 - M1 indicates if missiles are locked on to this ship.

If distance > 0 an incomming missile is locked on.

I0 - I12 indicate the quantity of items on this ship where

MEN        =0





FOOD       =5


DECOYS     =7

TROOPS     =8


JAMMERS    =10

MINE       =11

GOLD       =12

decout indicates the number of decoys deployed

jammer indicates the condition of any jamming where

0 = no jamming

> 0 = jammed

freq[0] - freq[2] indicates the frequency the com channels are set to

hostile indicates that this player has been hostile toward a planet and any ION CANNONS may fire on it.

cantexit indicates the player has been fighting and cannot exit until this value is 0.

repair indicates the ship is under repair if > 0. The higher the number the longer till done.

hypha indicates the current hyper phaser status

if > 0 they are cooling down.

if 0 they can fire

firecntl indicates the fire control status as follows;

if = 0 the ship can fire

if > 0 the fire control is being repaired

destruct indicates if a self destruct is underway.

If = 0 no

if > 0 countdown in progress

status should be always a 1 (if not let me know)

Additionally for those of you who care...

the command WHO will display the userid, username, and BBS registration # in case you wish to register a program to a specific user or system.

I know this is not everything you might like but its a start. As you get going please let me know what else you need to make your program the best it can be.

If you need any help please call me at (813) 545-8050

Mike Murdock