Sysop commands

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If you are logged in as the sysop, or have configured the game to give such access to others, you can use the SYS command.

GESYSOP.DOC covers the sysop commands.

The following help text is from entering SYS HELP:

Sysop Command List

sys help                    - Produces this list

sys get nnn <itemname>      - Creates items on this ship

sys kill <username>         - Kills the ship commanded by username

sys cash nnn                - Creates nnn cash

sys goto xsector ysector    - Teleports ship to sector

sys class nnn               - Changes ship to class number nnn

sys shieldtype nnn          - Changes shields to class number nnn

sys phasertype nnn          - Changes phaser to class number nnn

sys maint                   - Starts FAST maintenance

sys unjam                   - Clears jamming

sys list nn                 - Lists 50 ships in game beginning with nn

sys classlist               - Lists index of ship classes

sys cybpause nnn            - pauses the cybertrons for nnn secs