
From Galactic Empire wiki
Revision as of 19:32, 14 March 2024 by Manicpop (talk | contribs)

In Galactic Empire, ships can travel at impulse and warp. Warp 1 is the speed of light, which is 153.846153 (10000÷65) parsecs per centock. Impulse 1 is 1% of this speed, or 1.538461 parsecs per centock.[1]

Since a parsec is the smallest unit of distance in the game, all speeds that are not multiples of 13 will round up and round down as necessary. For example, since impulse 50 is 76.923076 parsecs/centock, a ship traveling at impulse 50 will travel 77 parsecs almost every centock, and occasionally 76 parsecs/centock.


Main article: impulse

At impulse speed, ships are able to raise shields, deploy decoys, use standard phasers, and fire (and be hit by) torpedoes.

Example speeds:

IMP 1 = 1-2 parsecs / centock

IMP 13 = 20 parsecs / centock

IMP 15 = 23-24 parsecs / centock

IMP 50 = 76-77 parsecs / centock

IMP 65 = 100 parsecs / centock

IMP 99 = 152-153 parsecs / centock


Main article: warp

At warp speed, shields, decoys, and torpedoes cannot be used, and torpedoes cannot hit the player. Phasers switch to hyperphasers.

Example speeds:

WAR 1 = 153-154 parsecs / centock

WAR 5 = 769-770 parsecs / centock

WAR 10 = 1538-1539 parsecs / centock

WAR 13 = 2000 parsecs / centock

WAR 20 = 3076-3077 parsecs / centock

WAR 50 = 7692-7693 parsecs / centock

WAR 65 = 10000 parsecs / centock

WAR 75 = 11538-11539 parsecs / centock


In order to keep CPU ships close to human players, combative CPU ships that are (by default, this can be adjusted) more than 25 sectors away from a human player they are pursuing will travel at "hyperwarp," which is 20 times the normal CPU ship's speed. They will drop back down to normal speeds when they are within 10 sectors. Much like all warp values over (TO DO), these values are not displayed correctly when a ship is scanned (they are supposed to read "Hyper")[2].

  1. GEFUNCS.C lines 648-649: ptr->coord.xcoord = ptr->coord.xcoord + ((ptr->speed * sin(degtorad(ptr->heading)))/65000.0); ptr->coord.ycoord = ptr->coord.ycoord - ((ptr->speed * cos(degtorad(ptr->heading)))/65000.0);
  2. [./GEREADME.DOC#08/06/94_Release_3.2e GEREADME.DOC#08/06/94 Release 3.2e]