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Revision as of 22:48, 6 March 2024 by Manicpop (talk | contribs)

The following are values that can be configured by the sysop in the MBMGEMSG.MSG file:

Basic setup

PLAYKEY = what type of BBS user you need to be Galactic Empire

SYSKEY = what type of BBS user you need to be in order to use the SYS command.

REGNO = your registration number, required in order for Galactic Empire to function on your system.

GEMNU = the name of the game on the BBS menu (by default, "Galactic Empire"). This value was used in version 5 of MajorBBS and has no effect in version 6.

GESEL = the selection letter on the BBS menu (by default, G). Only used on MajorBBS 5.

Optional main menu selection

The "Whats New!" option of the main menu of Galactic Empire can be configured by the sysop to show something else. It can be turned off completely, or changed to have a different description and selection letter. When selected, it will display the contents of MBMGEMNU.TXT.

OPTMENU = YES to show the option for the "Whats new!" on the main Galactic Empire menu, NO to turn it off.

OPTTXT = The name of the optional menu entry (by default, "Whats New!")

OPTCHR = The selection character of the optional menu entry (by default, N).

Other stuff, this might be hard to sort neatly

MAXPLRS = max players allowed in the game at once, default 30

FREEBIES = 1 to allow non-paying users to play, 0 for no. Only used on MajorBBS 5.

MAXLIST = max top players shown on the roster, default 10

MAXSHIPS = max ships a player can own, default 8

MAXPLNTS = max planets a player can own, default 20

MAXPLSE = max planets that can appear in a sector, default 5

SE100DAM = amount of damage done when attempting to fire in neutral zone, default 10, instant kill 101

PROFON = profanity filter, yes or no

SHOWOPT = debug level, 0 to 3

LOGFLG = output log to file, yes or no

GEUSER = user database, default MBMGEUSR.DAT

GESHIP = ship database, default MBMGESHP.DAT

USEGEMSG = use in-game mail system (yes) or send to user's BBS mailbox (no), default yes

GEMAIL = mail database, default MBMGEMAL.DAT

GEPLNT = planet database, default MBMGEPLT.DAT

GESHIPCL = runtime ship database, default MBMGESHP.MCV

TRANSOPT = allow users to transfer items to planets they don't own, default yes

SYSCMDS = allow SYS command, default yes

SYSONLY = only allow sysop to use SYS command, default yes (no means ANYONE can)

PLANTOCK = how often to update planets, in minutes, default 360 (every six hours)

PLODDS = how likely a sector will have planets, 1 (most likely) to 20 (least likely), default 3 (TO DO: what was changed in release 3.1c)

WORMODDS = how likely a sector will have wormholes, 1 (least likely) to 100 (most likely), default 6

NUMSHIPS = number of CPU ships in the game, default 30 (TO DO: it says up to 256, but the listed range is 0 to 500, so investigate)

MAXDROID = maximum amount of DROID (non-combatant) CPU ships, default 6

UNIVMAX = radius of galaxy, 10 to 32000, default 300 (galaxy extends to sector 300 300 and -300 -300)

UNIVWRAP = does galaxy wrap around, yes or no, added in version 3.2c.5

MAXPLREC = maximum size of planet database in Kb, 10 to 32767, default 32767

TORFACT = range of torpedo lockon (TO DO: figure out and explain how this works)

TDAMMAX = maximum damage % a torpedo can do, default 35 (TO DO)

TORPSPED = speed of torpedo, 1 to 10000, default 2441

MISFACT = range of missle lockon (TO DO)