
From Galactic Empire wiki
Revision as of 13:56, 24 April 2024 by Manicpop (talk | contribs)

To destroy the ship you are currently operating, enter DESTRUCT or DES. A twenty-centock timer will commence, and after the countdown is complete, the ship will be destroyed. Any ships within the blast radius of the destruction (TO DO) will take damage. You will return to the main menu and can re-enter the game with any remaining ship you have.

Generally there are only a few reasons to self destruct:

  • You've reached the maximum amount of ships you can own (by default, eight), and want to make room to buy a different one.
  • Your ship is lost in deep space (perhaps without flux pods) and you don't want to spend the time bringing it back to a planet with supplies.
  • You want to use the ship's destruction to damage other ships in the vicinity, perhaps during a hopeless battle.
  • You want ships in scanner range to think you are self-destructing so they retreat from the vicinity (make sure to ABORT before the timer expires).

Alternately, you can crash your ship into a planet at impulse to destroy it.

You can't use the self-destruct while inside sector 0 0.

If you are able to get to sector 0 0 before using the self-destruct sequence, make sure to sell your entire ship's inventory and cash out your phaser and shield before destruction.


The ABORT command aborts a self-destruct sequence in progress. If your ship is in the middle of a self-destruct countdown, enter ABANDON or ABA to cancel the self-destruct sequence. Ships that are within (TO DO) scanner range will be notified that you are no longer going to self-destruct.