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Revision as of 14:35, 1 March 2024 by Manicpop (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[https://www.manicpop.org/gewiki/orig_docs/MBMGEMNU.TXT Download original file] GALACTIC EMPIRE rel 3.2d Whats new this release The weight of gold has been reduced to allow you to carry more on a ship. The value of Spies has been reduced from 10000 to 100. This caused the game to become unbalanced easily. Torpedos and Missiles will no-longer follow you through a Wormhole. The Phaser and Hyper-Phaser strength has been increased all around. You can now change dir...")
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Whats new this release

The weight of gold has been reduced to allow you to carry more on a ship.

The value of Spies has been reduced from 10000 to 100. This caused the game to become unbalanced easily.

Torpedos and Missiles will no-longer follow you through a Wormhole.

The Phaser and Hyper-Phaser strength has been increased all around.

You can now change directions while moving with the ROTATE command.

You can now specify only the first parameter on the WARP command. GE will adjust your speed but keep you on the same heading.

The prices of all items are now Sysop configurable.

A bug which prevented shield types above Mark-7 from draining the Flux has been fixed.

A new SET option has been added. You can now significantly reduce the excess messages coming to you while you are battling by setting the FILTER option on. See HELP SET for more details.

The SCAN LO will now identify Human Players as '=' instead of '+'.

The cloaking systems have been enhanced to require a charging period each time they are used. This will make it a bit more realistic and challenging.

The cloak command now is an explicit CLOAK ON and CLOAK OFF.

The Planet "team" trade password now works the way it was supposed to.

The scanners on all ships have been enhanced to detect a cloaked ship that moves while cloaked. More accurately, the faster the cloaked player goes, the more likely a background ion trail will be detectable. If the player moves slowly while cloaked they might go undetected. To detect this effect the cloaked ship must be fairly close, at least within 1/2 the normal scan range for your ship.

The NEW SHIELD and NEW PHASER commands have been enhanced to give you a credit for your existing class of shield or phaser system. The credit will be 2/3rds the price of a new one (after all -- its used equipment). If the credit exceeds the price of the new system (as when you are downgrading) the excess credit will be given to you as cash, minus a 2% banking fee.

The Scoring System has been enhanced so that players who have planets don't end up with mega scores which are impossible to beat. Your sysop also now has the ability to fine tune the scoring system.

Planets can now be assigned to teams. This is done by setting the trade password for a planet to TEAM. From then on players on the same team (and only players on the team) can buy from the planet.

Players can now set the price to sell items instead of the amount to mark up. This allows players who wish to give there goods away to other teammates at low prices to do so. It also lets players offer special discounted prices to other players BELOW what market values are.

The price of items in sector 0 0 will vary according to market conditions. This means that you might get a better deal at differing times depending upon the market.

HELP NEWPRICE will now list the price of Phasers and Shields.

Your Sysop can now add new types of Cyborg Ships to the game.

The ship size function has been adjusted to reflect what we feel is more reasonable sizes. I will update the HELP CLASS nn function accordingly.

If you have created your own classes of ships this will effect them also.

The Roster function has been enhanced to display planet populations in the thousands.

We have added several new classes of ships to the standard release to make the game more interesting. Among them are a CYBER BASE STAR, a Sarten Attack Drone, and a Sarten Obliterator. I leave it up to your users to discover the attributes of these ships.

If you win a planet which you had put a spy on the spy will now figure this out and shut up.

We have reduced the standard released galaxy size to 600x600 and increased the frequency of planets and wormholes. This will force players into closer proximity with each other and make for a more interesting game.

We have enhanced the logic so that droids will all be centered within 20 sectors of sector 0 0. This will allow players more opportunity to interact with droids who make easy targets.

Planets can be taxed a bit more before they revolt. Please let us know if this still seems too low (no - you cant tax at 90%)

A new commend JETTISON has been added. This command lets you jettison all or a specific number of an item to free load space for other items. Type HELP JETTISON for details on usage.

Phasers can now be fired in impulse without specifying the spread. A default spread of 1 is assumed. This way a player does not need to change how they use the command depending upon whether they are in warp or impulse.

The size of the Freight Barge has been reduced and its offensive weapons removed. It was never intended to be the invunerable offensive platform it became. Sorry to those players who used it in this manner.

Players will now get only the first message when a planets production reaches maximum. This way they are not inundated with repeated messages.

Your Sysop can now specify the amount of energy to charge against the Flux Pile each time a missile is fired. The default setting is 10 indicating a 1/10 charge. If the player fires a missile with 50000 (MIS x 50000) it will deduct 5000 from the flux pile.

We have reduced significantly the speed at wich ION Cannons are produced. There were entirely too many being produced in the game to keep a balance of power.

In order to prevent a single user flooding a sector with mines the maximum which can be deployed simultaneously is now 3.

Many, many options have been added to give you Sysop more control over the game configuration. If you wish some changes please ask your sysop... Chances are he/she can change them.