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Version 3.2





1.0 Overview

2.0 Installation

3.0 Game Operations

4.0  Configuration Option

5.0  Documentation

6.0  Support

1.0  Overview

Congratulations on purchasing the most popular add on to the MajorBBS. Galactic Empire has been installed in  MajorBBS's since 1988 and provided thousands of players an exciting and challenging game that continues to generate thousands of hours of usage.

Release 3.2 represents the latest in an ever evolving game of space battle and conquest. With the increased processing power and expanded memory available in today's systems, and the standardization provided by Galacticomm's release 6.0 of the MajorBBS, we are able to include many advanced features which just a few years ago would not have been possible.

Galactic Empire 3.2 is simple to install and even simpler to operate. To get your game on-line and your users playing simply follow the instructions in the following section.

NOTICE: The software is distributed to you un-registered. You can begin running it prior to registration. Send in the registration documentation (attached to this guide) immediately as there is a limited number of days it will operate without a Registration ID.

Upon receipt of your Registration Documentation you will be sent a unique Registration ID valid for your specific MBBS system. Simply enter this ID in the REGNO field in the configuration options. For further information refer to section 4.0 below.

2.0   Installation from a release diskette

Use this procedure if you received your Galactic Empire on a release diskette. If you downloaded a .ZIP file from our support system refer to section 2.2 and 2.3.

STEP 1:  

Copying files from install diskette to your system.

In order to install Galactic Empire place the release diskette in your floppy diskette drive and type the following command;



Note: If your floppy diskette is B: then substitute "B:" for "A:" above. Also, if your BBS is installed on another drive or in another directory, please substitute your drive and directory for the "C:\BBSV6" above.

The install procedure will copy the appropriate files to your BBS directory with virgin databases ready to play.


Adding Galactic Empire to your menu.

Using the procedure outlined in your MajorBBS Guide, add Galactic Empire to your menu.


Play the game.... and have fun.

2.1  Upgrade from a release diskette

Use this procedure if you received a Galactic Empire update on a release diskette. If you downloaded a .ZIP file from our support system refer to section 2.2 and 2.3.


STEP 1: Copying files from install diskette to your system.

In order to update Galactic Empire place the release diskette in your floppy diskette drive and type the following command;



Note: If your floppy diskette is B: then substitute "B:" for "A:" above. Also, if your BBS is installed on another drive or in another directory, please substitute your drive and directory for the "C:\BBSV6" above.

The update procedure will copy the appropriate files to your BBS directory but will not effect your existing databases.


Play the game.... and have fun.

2.2  Installation from a downloaded ZIP file.

Use this procedure if you received your first copy of Galactic Empire by downloading it from our support BBS. If you are updating a previous release please refer to section 2.3 below.


Copy the downloaded file to your BBS directory


Note: replace nnn with the actual files version number (i.e. MBMGE30J.ZIP)

Note: If your BBS is installed on another drive or in another directory, please substitute your drive and directory for the "C:\BBSV6" above.


Unzipping the downloaded file.


The install procedure will create the appropriate files to your BBS directory with virgin databases ready to play.


Adding Galactic Empire to your menu.

Using the procedure outlined in your MajorBBS Guide, add Galactic Empire to your menu.


Play the game.... and have fun.

2.3  Upgrade from a downloaded ZIP file.

Use this procedure if you downloaded an update from our support BBS. The main difference is that an update will not contain empty databases unless absolutely required.



Copy the downloaded file to your BBS directory


Note: replace nnn with the actual files version number (i.e. UPDGE30J.ZIP)

Note: If your BBS is installed on another drive or in another directory, please substitute your drive and directory for the "C:\BBSV6" above.


Unzipping the downloaded file.


The update procedure will create the appropriate files to your BBS directory but will leave your existing databases in place.


Play the game.... and have fun.

3.0  Operations

Galactic Empire is designed to be simple to operate, requiring almost no intervention on your part. There are however some operational aspects which you may wish to consider.

3.1   CPU Performance

Galactic Empire is a complex game and depending on how configured can

   consume a sizable amount of CPU time. In order to maintain acceptable

   performance you must insure that your system is configured

   appropriately. The following parameters effect CPU performance

   dramatically and should be configured carefully for your specific


   Note: The default parameters are set for performance on a 33 MHz 386

   CPU. Your system's performance may vary and require changes to these


   MAXPLRS - Controls how many "real" players can be in the game at the

   same time. You may wish to limit this value to decrease the load on

   the CPU.

   SHOWOPT - Controls how many "GE" informational messages are generated.

   Leave set to "0" for optimal performance.

   PLANTOCK - Controls how frequently all the sectors in a Galaxy are

   updated. Setting this value lower increases CPU load.

   WORMODDS- This option controls the odds of a newly created planet

   being a wormhole instead. The lower then number the higher the odds.

   Since when a wormhole is created the destination wormhole sector also

   must be created, additional disk I/O must occur. The lower you set

   this number the more disk I/O you will experience. Depending upon the

   speed of your hard disk and cache this may or may not be a problem.

   NUMSHIPS - Controls how many "robot" ships are in the game. Set this

   value as high as you can, while maintaining acceptable performance.

   The more ships in the game, the more enjoyable it is. This value has

   the most dramatic effect on the CPU as each of the additional ships

   requires the same CPU resources as a live player.

   UNIVMAX - Controls the size of the Galaxy. You can reduce this number

   to control the number of sectors that the game has to process in the

   time specified by PLANTOCK above. Reducing this number decreases the

   CPU load. Because the Galaxy grows as the game is played you may

   notice decreased CPU performance as the game progresses for some

   time, and the databases grow correspondingly.

   3.2   Database Growth

   In order to insure that your game continues to operate un-interrupted,

   you must make sure that there is plenty of disk space available for

   database growth.


   proportional to the number of users in the game. The MBMGEPLT.DAT

   database grows as more players explore the galaxy. Most sectors

   created will be void of planets and only take a small amount of

   storage. Since sectors are not created until a player actually scans

   it the total storage required is minimized. The average space

   required is 512 bytes per sector created.  Reserving 32,767,000 bytes

   (32.7 meg) for growth allows for about 64,000 sectors. If you have

   less space available you may consider decreasing the MAXPLREC option

   in the next section.

   Each time the system performs the nightly cleanup it will tell you the

   approximate size of the planet database. Additionally the MajorBBS

   allows you to display how much disk remains unused. If you have a

   relatively limited amount of disk storage please monitor these values

   regularly to insure the integrity of your entire system.

   3.3   Campaigns

   Galactic Empire is best when played in campaigns lasting 1 to 3

   months. You may wish to award players some additional bonus such as

   credits based upon their performance at the end of the campaign.

   When you reset a campaign simply initialize the Galactic Empire

   databases by typing the following while in your BBSV6 directory.


   You can now begin a new campaign. You may wish to "tweak" some of the

   configuration options such as Galaxy Size, and/or ship configurations

   to vary a campaign from the previous one. See the following section

   for more details.

   3.4   System Operator Special Commands

   Included in Galactic Empire are several commands reserved specifically

   for your use. These commands are enabled with the SYSCMDS and SYSONLY

   options detailed in section 4.2 below.

   These special commands provide some assistance in debugging problems.

   They can however give a player a distinct advantage if discovered,

   and it is not recommended that they be used in the production system

   all the time.

   SYS GET xxxxx <item name> This will grant to the ship xxxxx of the

   items requested. Example: SYS GET 100 TOR  gets you 100 torpedoes.

   SYS KILL <userid> Causes a player in the game to have his ship

   destroyed for unknown reasons.  Example SYS KILL GREMLIN  will kill

   Gremlins ship

   SYS CASH xxxxx This will grant to the ship xxxxx C's of cash.

   Example: SYS CASH 999999  will give the ship 999999 in C's

   SYS GOTO x y This will move the ship to the sector in the universe

   with the specific x and y coordinates.  Example: SYS GOTO 10 10  will

   move the ship to the x=10, y=10 sector.

   SYS SHIELDTYPE n This will give the current ship a shield of type n.

   Valid types are 1 to 5. A special type of 20 is an ultimate sysop


   SYS PHASERTYPE n This will give the current ship a phaser type on n.

   Valid types are 1 to 4. A special type of 20 is an ultimate sysop


   SYS CLASS n This will change the current ship to a ship class of n.

   Valid classes are 0 to 7 and 13.  NOTE: IF you set the class to 8 or

   9 (Cybertrons) problems may result.

   SYS MAINT This will begin a fast Maintenance Procedure on the current

   ship regardless of your orbit status.

   SYS UNJAM This clears the effects  of a jammer on the current ship


   SYS LIST This command lists all the active ships in the game, their

   location, and damage status.

   SYS CLASSLIST will list the classes currently loaded in the game. This

   will tell you what class the SYSOPIAN DEATH STAR is for the SYS CLASS


   3.5   Undocumented Commands

   In addition to the commands documented in the Galactic Empire Users

   Guide, there are a few special commands which are undocumented. There

   are two classes of undocumented commands;

   3.5.1  System Information Commands

   These commands are included to assist us in determining problems when

   you call for Technical Support.


   Reports the Galactic Empire Registration number, and Test Drive


   3.5.2    Special Terminal Program Commands

   These commands are included specifically to support terminal programs

   for Galactic Empire. As we further develop this interface more

   commands will be added.


   Provides the Users Name, and Systems MBBS Registration Number.

   This is for Terminal Programs which may be registered to a specific

   User, and/or System.


   Provides a comma separated data format scan for the

   current ship. This is useful for terminal programs that display the

   ship information in another (i.e. Graphical) representation.


   Provides a comma separated data format of all the

   information on the current ship. This is useful for terminal programs

   that display the ship information in another format.

   4.0  Options

   All of the configurable options are contained in the MBMGEMSG.MSG file

   and can be modified using the Galacticomm Configuration option on the

   BBS menu.

   The options are preset to optimal values. You need not adjust any to

   begin using the game. You may, however, wish to modify some of these

   options to challenge your players more, or provide a more interesting


   Please note that some of the options are included to give you maximum

   configurability but modification is not recommended. These are

   indicated with a CAUTION note following the option description.

   Listed below are some of the more important options that you may wish

   to change. For a complete list of options please refer to the

   Configuration Options selection on the MajorBBS menu.

   4.1   Security Options

   Option: REGNO

   Description:  Registration Number

   Value: 00000000

   Type: String

   Range: 8 Characters

   This is the Registration Number specific to your MBBS system. This

   number will be sent to you upon receipt of your registration

   document. Galactic Empire will function fine for a limited period

   without this number. After the trial period your system will continue

   to function properly, although GE will be temporarily suspended. When

   you place the valid number in this field the game will continue where

   it left off.

   Option: PLAYKEY

   Description:  Key required to play GE

   Value: NORMAL

   Type: S

   Range: 15

   This option defines the KEY the player must have to play GE. Refer to

   your MajorBBS Users Guide for a detailed explanation on Locks & Keys.

   Option: SYSKEY

   Description:  Key required for sysop powers

   Value: SYSOP

   Type: S

   Range: 15

   This defines the key required to use the special sysop commands.

   You can set this to something other than SYSOP and then assign

   that key to specific GAMEOP's or players as needed.

   4.2   Configuration Options

   Option: MAXPLRS

   Description:  The maximum players in the game at once

   Value: 30

   Type: Numeric

   Range: 1 to  256

   You can limit the number of players who can simultaneously play the

   game. You may wish to set this value in order to keep your systems

   performance within an acceptable response.  The more players in the

   game the more CPU resources the game consumes.

   Option: TRANSOPT

   Description:  Allow goods transfers to planets not owned?

   Value: NO

   Type: Boolean

   Range: YES/NO

   This option controls if a player is allowed to transfer goods to a

   planet which they do not own. If YES a player can transfer goods to

   another players planets. This could give players with multiple

   USERID's an unfair advantage as they could transfer goods from

   multiple accounts to a single account giving that account an initial

   boost in the game. Note: If you only permit paying accounts to play

   the game this is of less concern.

   Option: SYSCMDS

   Description:  Allow sysop commands?

   Value: YES

   Type: Boolean

   Range: YES/NO

   This option enables the special SYSOP commands.  These commands are

   documented in the SYSOP.DOC file included on the release diskette.

   Caution: This option WILL give an unfair advantage to players who use

   it. It is strongly recommended that it remain set to NO during normal

   operation or the SYSONLY option be set to YES.

   Option: SYSONLY

   Description:  Allow sysop only to use sysop commands?

   Value: YES

   Type: Boolean

   Range: YES/NO

   If sysop commands are enabled are they restricted to players with

   SYSOP class only.  Caution: It is strongly recommended that this

   option remain set to YES.

   Option: PLANTOCK

   Description:  How long to take to update all planets (seconds)?

   Value: 21600

   Type: Numeric

   Range: 1 to 32767

   This option controls the Dynamic Planet Update Feature. The system

   will monitor how long it takes to process through all the planets in

   the galaxy and dynamically adjust the update frequency to keep the

   total cycle time as close to the time below as it can.  Caution:

   Setting this value too small will cause the system to consume more

   CPU time than may be available. It is recommended that this value be

   set to 6 hours (21600 seconds) which will cause four updates a day.

   After you have run a campaign you can reduce the value if CPU

   performance remained acceptable throughout the campaign.

   Option: PLODDS

   Description:  Frequency factor for planets

   Value: 8

   Type: Numeric

   Range: 1 to 20

   This value controls the odds of a sector having planets. The lower the

   number the more likely a sector will have planets.

   Option: WORMODDS

   Description:  Frequency factor for wormholes

   Value: 20

   Type: Numeric

   Range: 1 to 100

   This value controls the odds of a sector having a wormhole. The lower

   the number the more likely a sector will have a wormhole

   Option: NUMSHIPS

   Description:  The number of additional ships (robots) in game?

   Value: 20

   Type: Numeric

   Range: 0 to 256

   Depending upon your CPU's performance you can have up to 256

   additional Robotic Ships (Automatons) in the game. The system will

   randomly generate ships to give your players automated combatants.

   Caution: This value can DRAMATICALLY effect CPU  performance. If you

   are not confident about your specific system please set to a lower

   value at first and experiment with increased values as you evaluate

   your CPU's performance.

   Option: MAXDROID

   Description:  Max Droid class ships in game.

   Value: 10

   Type: Numeric

   Range: 1 to 500

   This value limits the number of DROID class ships in the game at the

   same time. This insures that there are plenty of Cybertrons for

   players to fight.  The recommended setting is half of NUMSHIPS.

   Option: UNIVMAX

   Description:  The radius of the Virtual Galaxy

   Value: 32000

   Type: Numeric

   Range: 10 to 32767

   This value controls how far from the center (sector 0 0) the galaxy

   extends. The Galaxy is square and UNIVMAX sectors in each direction

   (N,S,E,W). NOTE: The size of the galaxy has some pretty dramatic

   effects on the game. You may with to try various values in each of

   your campaigns to determine which works best for you.

   CAUTION: Do not change this value without resetting all the Galactic

   Empire Databases as explained in Chapter 3.0. Failure to do so will

   result in unexpected problems.

   Option: MAXPLREC

   Description:  The size of the GEPLANET.DAT in Kbytes

   Value: 32767

   Type: Numeric

   Range: 0 to 32767

   This value controls how large the MBMGEPLT.DAT data file will grow to.

   Each time a sector is "teraformed" the MBMGEPLT.DAT database grows by

   the following formula;

   space added = (number planets * 512) + 512

   In order to prevent your disk from filling up you can specify the

   maximum size that the database will grow to in Kbytes. When the

   maximum is reached no more planets will be created.

   Note: a 32,767K database will hold 65,535 planets and sectors. That

   should keep most players busy for awhile.

   4.3   Configuration Tables

   The following options concern two key tables that are provided to give

   you maximum flexibility over your systems "look and Feel".

   4.3.1   Sector 0 0 Planet Table

   This table configures the number of planets and the planet details for

   the neutral zone (sector 0 0). Some SYSOPS expressed an interest in

   being able to make this sector look like the SOL  System (our Solar

   System). You can modify the following table and add additional

   planets as required. The only constraint is that the game requires a

   Trading Planet, and a Population Planet. You can designate any planet

   you like to be each, but MUST have one and only one of each.

   Additionally, you can "give" the planet to a specific USERID, such as

   SYSOP. To do this change the owner option for the planet. This has

   the effect of allowing the owner to administer the planet as they

   would any other planet they own.

   The table is organized into sets of the following options. Each set is

   numbered as S00Pnxxx where Pn is the table entry, and xxx is the

   specific option.

   If you elect to add additional planets to the table, simply copy the

   entire set (S00P1NM to S00P1RES) after the last option in the third

   table entry (S00P3RES). Change the P1 to P4 (or P5, P6, etc.) in the

   newly copied entries, and update the S00PLNUM option to reflect the

   new number of planets.

   Option: S00PLNUM

   Description:  Number of Planets in Sector 0 0

   Value: 3

   Type: Numeric

   Range: 3 to 9

   This option specifies the number of planets in the neutral zone

   (sector 0 0). Note: You need not change this unless you want more

   than 3 planets in the Neutral Zone.

   Option: S00P1NM

   Description:  Zygor


   Type: String

   Range: 19 Characters

   This is the name of planet # 1 in the Neutral Zone.

   Option: S00P1OWN

   Description:  Owner of Planet #1

   Value: "*EMPIRE*"

   Type: String

   Range: 30 Characters

   This field specifies the Owner of this planet. If desired you can

   specify a specific USERID and that user will be able to administer

   this planet.

   Option: S00P1TYP

   Description:  Planet Type

   Value: 1

   Type: Numeric

   Range: 0 to 2

   Type of planet indicator. One planet in Sector 0 0 -MUST- be each of

   the following types;

   0 = Nothing Special

   1 = Base trading planet (Zygor)

   2 = Population Planet (Tahanian Station)

   Option: S00P1X

   Description:  X Coordinate of Planet

   Value: 5000

   Type: Numeric

   Range: 100 to 9900

   This value specifies the X coordinate of this planet.

   Option: S00P1Y

   Description:  Y Coordinate of Planet

   Value: 5000

   Type: Numeric

   Range: 100 to 9900

   This value specifies the Y coordinate of this planet.

   Option: S00P1ENV

   Description:  Environment for planet

   Value: 3

   Type: Numeric

   Range: 0 to 3

   This value specifies the Environment for this Planet.

   0 = Poor

   1 = Marginal

   2 = Good

   3 = Very Good

   Option: S00P1RES

   Description:  Resources for planet

   Value: 3

   Type: Numeric

   Range: 0 to 3

   This value specifies the Resources for this Planet.

   0 = Poor

   1 = Marginal

   2 = Good

   3 = Very Good

   4.3.2   Ship Class Description Table

   The message file MBMGESHP.MSG controls the ships available in the

   game. You can modify the names, performance, weapons, and cargo

   weight. You can also add additional ships to the table.

   When adding additional ships simply use one of the unused entries

   between 1 and 41 in the table.

   Note: The rules concerning the addition of ships must be followed


     Add USER ships before the CYBORG ships.

     Add DROID ships after the CYBORG ships.

     Add any special sysop ships after the DROID ships.

     Set the NUMSHIPS option in the MBMGEMSG.MSG file to the sum of all

        the active SnnMAKE options in the MBMGESHP.MSG file.

     If you have changed the Cyborgs or Droids mid-game, use the

        SYS KILL @ option after the board is loaded to kill existing

        Cybs and cause them to "re-generate" according to your new rules.

   There are blank entries in the .MSG file already for your use. Please

   use these and do not add any additional items as this WILL cause program


   The Following options are repeated for each of the 12 classes of

   ships. The first 8 classes are user ships, the next 2 are Cybertron

   ships, and the final 3 are droid ships. Caution: You are free to

   adjust the values of these parameters, however, removing or adding

   parameters may cause unexpected problems.

   Option: S01TYPE

   Description:  Type of Ship?

   Value: USER

   Type: Enumerated


   This option specifies the TYPE of ship.

   USER    = A ship a user can purchase and fly.

   CYBORG  = A Cybertron ship controlled by the automated battle logic  

           in the game.

   DROID   = A non-combatant ship (sometimes) controlled by much  

          simpler navigation logic.

   Option: S01NAME

   Description:  Ship Class-01 Name

   Value: Interceptor

   Type: String

   Range: 30 Characters

   This option is the Class Name of class 01 ships.

   Option: S01SHLD

   Description:  Maximum Shield Type

   Value: 2

   Type: Numeric

   Range: 1 to 5

   This option specifies the MAXIMUM shield type for this class of ship.

   Option: S01PHSR

   Description:  Maximum Phaser Type

   Value: 2

   Type: Numeric

   Range: 1 to 4

   This option specifies the MAXIMUM Phaser type for this class of ship.

   Option: S01TORP

   Description:  Has Torpedo Capability?

   Value: YES

   Type: Boolean

   Range: YES/NO

   This option specifies if this ship class has torpedo capability.

   Option: S01MISL

   Description:  Has Missile Capability?

   Value: NO

   Type: Boolean

   Range: YES/NO

   This option specifies if this ship class has missile capability.

   Option: S01DECY

   Description:  Has decoy capability?

   Value: NO

   Type: Boolean

   Range: YES/NO

   This option specifies if this ship class has the ability to launch


   Option: S01JAMMR

   Description:  Has Jammer Capability?

   Value: NO

   Type: Boolean

   Range: YES/NO

   This option specifies if this ship class has the ability to launch


   Option: S01ZIPPR

   Description:  Has Zipper Capability?

   Value: NO

   Type: Boolean

   Range: YES/NO

   This option specifies if this ship class has the ability to launch


   Option: S01MINE

   Description:  Has Mine Capability?

   Value: NO

   Type: Boolean

   Range: YES/NO

   This option specifies if this ship class has the ability to launch


   Option: S01ATTK

   Description:  Has Attack Planet Capability?

   Value: NO

   Type: Boolean

   Range: YES/NO

   This option specifies if this ship class has planetary attack


   Option: S01CLOK

   Description:  Has Cloaking Capability?

   Value: NO

   Type: Boolean

   Range: YES/NO

   This option specifies if this ship class has cloaking capability.

   Option: S01ACCL

   Description:  Acceleration Rate

   Value: 1000

   Type: Numeric

   Range: 20 to 20000

   This option controls the acceleration rate for this class of ship.

   Option: S01WARP

   Description:  Maximum Warp

   Value: 4

   Type: Numeric

   Range: 1 to 100

   This option specifies the maximum warp for this class of ship.

   Option: S01TONS

   Description:  Maximum Tonnage (in 100's)

   Value: 5

   Type: Numeric

   Range: 1 to 5000

   This option specifies the maximum weight in tons for this class of


   Option: S01PRIC

   Description:  Price for each ship (in 1000's)

   Value: 60

   Type: Numeric

   Range: 1 to 32000

   This option specifies the price for each ship in this class.

   Option: S01PNTS

   Description:  Points awarded for kill

   Value: 10

   Type: Numeric

   Range: 1 to 1000

   This option specifies the points awarded to another player for killing

   this class of ship.

   Option: S01SRNG

   Description:  Scan Range (in 1000's)

   Value: 25

   Type: Numeric

   Range: 1 32767

   This option specifies the maximum range in thousands for the range

   scanners in this class of ship.

   Option: S01CATK

   Description:  Cyb's can attack this class ship?

   Value: NO

   Type: Boolean

   Range: YES/NO

   This option determines if this class of ship is "attackable"

   by cybertrons. If NO then Cyb's will only attack it if

   provoked. If YES then they will attack on sight.

   Option: S01NATK

   Description:  Number of Cyb's to attack this class?

   Value: NO

   Type: Numeric

   Range: 0 to 255

   This option determines the number of Cybs that will come

   after this class of ship at the same time. Set to 0 to

   have Cyb's leave it alone. Set to higher numbers to

   have this class massed by Cybertrons.

   5.0   Documentation

   Included with the files on your release diskette is the file

   MBMGEMP.DOC. This is a complete users guide to Galactic Empire

   specifically written for your users.

   Upon installation the MajorBBS will attach this document to the

   NEWUSER.DOC file automatically. You may wish to make this document

   available for download in your Library also.

   6.0   Support

   In order to receive update notification and on-line support for this

   product you MUST send in the attached Software Registration Document.

   Please complete and mail within 10 days of purchase.

   NOTICE: With your registration you will be given access to a special

   Forum on NETWORX and permitted to download any enhancements to

   release 3.2 for a period of one year from purchase. Future releases

   will also be available at reduced prices to registered customers.

   For Technical Support dial our on-line system;


   (813) 541-5876

   2400 to 9600 Baud Supported

   Our mailing address is;

   M.B. Murdock & Associates

   P.O. Box 2194

   Pinellas Park, Fl. 34665-2194

   (813) 545-8050


   Galactic Empire

   Software Registration Document




   Phone No.____________________________________________

   BBS Name_____________________________________________

   BBS Phone No.________________________________________

   No. Ports____________________________________________

   MBBS Reg. No.________________________________________

   Place of Purchase____________________________________




   Mail to:

   M.B. Murdock & Associates

   P.O. Box 2194

   Pinellas Park, Fl. 34665-2194
